Monday, March 8, 2010

The Adventures of Slink and Ash: Comic #2

Thanks Ian for a job well done. He depicts the attitudes of our animals very accurately. Nice work!!!!


I will keep this blog post short. Today, the three of us wore ours. But since we already have a leg up on the competition, we just kneed to be there for our students. We are not pulling your leg. The students thought this was great and the fact that we planned it made them laugh even more. Sometimes we just have to grin and bare it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!!!!

Today is Dr. Seuss's Birthday. He would have been 106 years old. Today, we made green eggs and ham, learned about how chicken eggs are formed inside a chicken, and did some some Dr. Seuss type writing! We love to celebrate these cool holidays!!!!