Friday, June 24, 2011

The Core Values of ALTC

The Staff of ALTC recently created a core values board for the students! These are the values the students practice during their daily interactions at school. All of our students also have the chance to earn points by showing their knowledge of those values and can use the points they earn to purchase items of interest, such as hygiene items, food, school supplies, and much more in our school store.



Friday, June 17, 2011

Wildlife Ecology exploration!


This week Ms. Dube and staff took the students in multiple groups to Beaver Park to explore the life in and around the ponds. We discovered and talked about different types of frogs, bugs, snakes and plant life. Students who said they would never hold any of those creatures did!!

Beaver Park BBQ!!


ALTC enjoyed a day of fishing, swimming, and great bbq’d burgers and dogs at Beaver Park.

ALTC participates in a Day of Giving


On Friday June 3rd, the staff and students traveled up to Norway to take part in the “Day of Giving” at the Progress Center. The staff and students joined other volunteers from the community in expanding the ever growing handicap accessible Matthew Ricker walking trail. This year students worked on laying down stone dust and gravel for walk ways, paint, weeding and planting flowers. Everyone was rewarded with a wonderful BBQ put on by the Progress Center and made lots of new friends. We cannot wait for next year!!