Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good clean fun

Sometimes I think that naming these post is the most fun thing ever.

This last week we did an experiment in class for science that dealt with soap. Bar soap. Dial, Lever 2000 and Ivory. First we discovered that Ivory floats and dial and Lever do not. The kids were informed that Ivory is whipped prior to being made into bars and that it has air within it. To prove out point, we headed down to the kitchen and used the microwave. The first bar we microwaved was the ivory. it came out looking really cool. It did not smell to bad either. It puffed out really far and felt like cotton or toilet paper, as the kids reported. The next bar was the Lever 2000. This bar opened up in the middle on top and like a dispenser, out came this tongue of bubbles that hardened onto what the kids called "Gene Simmons's tongue!" Lastly we placed in the bar of Dial. Ick. This melted into a form of bubbles that burnt and smelled absolutely disgusting. Double ick. The school smelled for several days afterwards, and the microwave smells to this day.

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